People who frequently travel abroad can save a significant amount of money by using the right international credit cards. Best credit card for international travel A well enhanced credit card with plenty of reward based offerings and discounts, even insurance while traveling, can make one’s journeys worry free. Herein is a list of some of the very finest possible credit cards to be used with some of the finest at Best credit cards for international travel, along with diversified benefits that are good to consider in this modern time.
Why Choose a Travel Credit Card?
Best credit card for international travel Your average travel credit card is a supercharged all in one tool hidden in a piece of plastic. And, they typically offer the following perks:
- No or Low Foreign Transaction Fees: Many travel credit cards do not charge foreign transaction fees or they charge very little for the service. Such fees can go as high as 3% and above on each international transaction that is conducted.
- Reward Programs: Through them points or cash back can be earned by you while you incur expenses while in another country. They literally pay individuals points to use for the price tag of a flight, of a hotel room or any price of a travel service.
- Airport Lounge Access: They must have free airport lounges whereby you can afford to spend quality hours before your flight time.
- Travel Insurance: It is usually printed on many of these cards; it is actually an insurance that covers you pertaining to any incident that you might encounter on your travels such as a canceled flight or health complications.
Best Credit Card for International Travel In India
Best Credit Card for International Travel In India Though almost all credit cards now come with worldwide acceptance, choosing one specifically to cover international spends can be tricky.
1. American Express Platinum Travel Card
- Annual Fee: ₹5,000
- Foreign Transaction Fee: 3.5%
- Key Advantages
- 20,000 Membership Rewards points will be rewarded after spending ₹1,90,000 per annum
- No charges on click and pay
- No entry fees in airport lounge
- Full insurance against travel
2. HDFC Diners Club Black Card
- Joining Fee: ₹10,000
- Cross border markup: 2%
- Premium Features and Benefits:
- No access charges will be charged for a visit to an airport lounge and customers can access unlimited anywhere in India and abroad
- Get 10X rewards on International Spends
- Applicable on all foreign transactions
3. SBI Elite Credit Card
- Annual Fee
- Foreign Transaction Fee: 1.99%
- Key Benefits:
- 2 points for every ₹100 on international spending
- 2 visits free in world airport lounges and 2 free in India.
- Membership and foreign spent discounts
4. ICICI Bank Sapphiro Credit Card
- Annual Fee ₹12,000
- Foreign Transaction Fee 1.5%
- Keyword Benefits:
- Travel insurance with full coverage
- The reward on international spending.
- Worldwide free access to the airport lounges
5. Axis Bank Magnus Credit Card
- Annual Fee: ₹12,500
- Foreign Transaction Fee: 2%
- Key Benefits on this card
- Free unlimited domestic and international lounge access
- 3 reward points on every spent ₹200 internationally
- Travel and concierge insurance
6. Citibank Premier Miles Credit Card
- Annual Fee ₹3,000
- Foreign Transaction Fee 3.5%,
- Key Benefits on the card.
- Avail miles for every spend which can be redeemed on flights with any airline
- Airport Lounge Access
7. YES FIRST Preferred Credit Card
- Annual Fee: ₹10,000
- Foreign Transaction Fee: 1.75%,
- Key Benefits
- 4 complimentary international lounge visits
- Probable features of the card include Can be used for spends outside the country.
- Travel Insurance up to ₹2.5 Crores
8. IndusInd Bank Pinnacle Credit Card is another model of that type.
- Annual Fee: ₹10,000
- Foreign Transaction Fee: 2%
- Key Benefits:
- That means reward points on all the spends, be it locally or across the border.
- The entitlement to use first class airport lounge facilities.
- travel insurance is given
9. HSBC Premier MasterCard Credit Card
- Annual Fee: ₹2,500
- Foreign Transaction Fee: 2%
- Key Benefits:
- Loyalty points on every dine.
- Complimentary worldwide airport lounge access.
- Comprehensive travel insurance and free of charge on forex conversion.
10. Standard Chartered Ultimate Credit Card
- Annual Fee: ₹12,999
- Foreign Transaction Fee: 2%
- Key Benefits Unlimited
- access to airport lounges 5% cashback on international spends.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Travel Credit Card
1. Travel Frequency
Check how frequently you go out of your home country. Frequent travelers might be better off with cards that offer big and complicated bonus structures and various travel related bonuses.
2. Fees and Charges
Look at the annual fees and also the foreign transactions fees. Use of cards that do not attract any forex markup can definitely make you tap big amounts while on a trip.
3. Rewards Programs
While selecting the cards it may be wise to go for those that give back something like points or cash back when you spend on things like travel tickets and check in. There are also certain cards which offer an option for sign up bonuses that can ramp up your rewards even faster.
4. Additional Benefits
There they should think about other more bonuses including insurance for travel, various services including concierge services, or attractive discounts on hotels or flights. The points listed above can greatly augment your traveling pleasure.
Exercise proper judgment based on travel habits, personal preference and features of the card to zero down upon and select the perfect foreign travel credit card. Best credit card for international travel Be it American Express Platinum or HDFC Diners Club Black, these options in travel give numerous benefits and rewards galore. Anyway, if selected with care, you could easily get a way to break your circuit without being hurt in your pocket. It may be something stamped heavily with the miles flown, or it may be the first trip abroad always and under all circumstances, the right credit card makes a difference in the journey being a happy one, or vice versa.
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